
BiNusian weblog



I loph this so much!  I especially do it @ my classes. (Yea I know that’s not a good thing, but common.., how many ppl there are not listening to the lecturer. And I know bunch of my friends are doodling too. :P)

It’s so fun for me to sketch whatever jump in my mind that time. And the good idea, it doesn’t need to be something meaningful. Just express yourself! Somewhen, you’ll impress yourself by what you’ve done. 😉

Here I attach some nice doodles for me (googling results). Hope you enjoy it.

My own doodles? I’ll post it soon after get some into my laptop.

Cya soon!


posted under art
4 Comments to


  1. On April 9th, 2009 at 11:48 pm bwee11 Says:

    kdg da dosen yg bnr2 bosenin bgt..==
    jd sm d gmbr2 jg d, karys seni didlm kls..haha

  2. On April 9th, 2009 at 11:57 pm larg Says:

    mslh nya pada diriku, uda ga cm sekedar kdg ~_~”
    makanya klo ke kampus, hmpir pasti bawa krtas hvs bwad coret2

  3. On April 10th, 2009 at 1:05 am bwee11 Says:

    kl stv si uda gak perlu bw2 gt na, lngsung gmbr diblkg buku(kebiasaan dr kcl kl uda mls bljr :P)..

  4. On April 10th, 2009 at 2:30 am larg Says:

    wa, wa, wa
    buku apa tuuh 😛

    jarang sih klo nyamber buku
    biasa psti kertas terpisah ^^v

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